It’s important to establish a routine with your baby, as well as a consistent excess supply, before applying to donate. Our goal is to ensure that the babies of our donors are receiving all of the milk they need to grow and thrive. That’s why we only accept breastmilk that is consistently in excess of our donors’ babies’ needs. Here are some tips on how to successfully breastfeed, while increasing your milk production.
  1. Hydrate: Drink lots of water to avoid dehydration.
  2. Healthy Choices: Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Incorporate well-balanced nutrition into your diet. Eat at least 1500 to 1800 calories per day.
  3. Eat Frequently: Consume smaller meals on a more frequent basis. Three small meals with healthy snack choices in between are preferred.
  4. Pump Often: Nurse and pump frequently. Breastmilk is produced on a supply and demand basis, so if you pump more often, your body will naturally make more milk.
  5. Get in a Routine: Pump around the same time every day. Pumping in the morning is preferred since your milk will replenish quicker in the morning hours.
  6. Relax: Massage your breasts to stimulate milk flow. After massaging the breast, roll the nipple back and forth between your finger and thumb. Stretch the nipple slightly. This will encourage the release of hormones that help the flow of breastmilk.
  7. Pump After Nursing: If you are worried about your baby not getting enough milk, you can express an hour or so after feeding your baby.
  8. Take Note of Time: If separated from your baby, pump at the times you normally feed your baby.
  9. Don’t Smoke: Smoking can reduce your breastmilk supply and is unhealthy for both you and your baby
  10. Get Plenty of Sleep: Sleeping when your baby sleeps can help keep your schedules in sync
  11. Consider Your Contraceptive: Birth control pills can contain estrogen which may interfere with the production of milk, so condoms or other forms of birth control should be considered. Speak to your physician for their recommendation about what is best for you
  12. Stay Positive: Don’t give up! Breastfeeding is a commitment, and you should be proud of all your effort.
  13. Don’t Compare: Try not to compare yourself to any other mama out there as everybody is different, and every nursing relationship is unique.
  14. Seek Help: If you are still having trouble maintaining your supply, don’t be ashamed to consult your doctor or lactation consultant. They are there to help you!
  15. Avoid Alcohol: Any alcohol you consume can be passed through the bloodstream so be sure to limit your consumption. 
  16. Get to Steppin’: Unless your doctor says otherwise, include approximately 30 minutes or more of physical activity such as walking, swimming, or other cardiovascular exercises in your daily routine. It increases your body’s levels of prolactin, the hormone responsible for milk production. (Always check with your doctor before starting a postpartum exercise program.) ​